With the current COVID-19 situation, you may be struggling to figure out what to cook. Here are some recipes using common kitchen staples with notes about substitutions. Please take care and be safe, everyone!

Sides and Snacks


With the current COVID-19 situation, you may be struggling to figure out what to cook. Here are some recipes using common kitchen staples with notes about substitutions. Please take care and be safe, everyone!
Sides and Snacks
By no means did I come up with the idea of chia pudding, but tons of recipes exist. This is a common ratio of 1 part chia seeds to 4 parts liquid. Top it with whatever you’d like – fruit, chia jam, nuts, nut butter, maple syrup or honey, etc.
A simple, 2 ingredient recipe that can be the base for a tasty snack or breakfast!
Combine cashew milk and chia seeds in a jar. Shake well to combine. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.
Shake jar again and if necessary, use a fork to break up clumps. Refrigerate for another 50 minutes or overnight.
Serve with whatever toppings you'd like: fruit, chia jam, nuts, nut butter, maple syrup or honey, etc.